How to Say and Write the Date in Spanish.If you make some Spanish-speaking friends (or love interests), you’d better know how to give them your phone number! Where to start:.If you’re asked to provide your personal information, you need to be prepared to state your date of birth, including the year.Loudspeaker announcements at train stations usually include the (often four-digit) train number, platform, and time of departure using the 24-hour clock (‘military time’).If you make an appointment, you might have to discuss or remember the day of the week or the month.If you get directions, they’re likely to include numbers.If you find yourself in any of these situations, you’ll be grateful to be familiar with the local counting systems: Getting a good handle on dates and numbers is essential if you want to travel to or live in a Spanish-speaking country.

There are also a couple of subtle pattern changes for numbers like 500, which can take you by surprise if you get too comfortable with the idea that Spanish numbers are easy! Why take the time to master Spanish dates and numbers? The bad news is numbers sometimes change gender, or take on plural or longer or shorter endings depending on context. But there are still some quirks that Spanish learners should consider to make sure they stay out of trouble. Well, the good news is it’s much closer to the latter. Are dates and numbers in Spanish going to throw us some curveballs like in French? Or do they follow the kind of pattern we’re used to in English?